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SIX Rules to Pet Food

1.  No By-products

2.  No  Seperated grains

3.  No Bad fats, no bad preservatives

4.  The 1st ingredient should be a good quality, protein specific meal

5.  Just because it is expensive, does not mean it is good

6.  If they do not make their own product, do not buy it

Bad Fats are fats where the source of the animal is unknown ie(animal fat, poultry fat)  Bad prservatives are BHA, BHT, Ethoxiquin, Propylene Glycol to name a few.  To learn more about these just 

google their respective names.

When you seperate a grain, you leech much of the value out the grains, also allowing for the grain to be used a protein(Wheat, Corn Gluten etc..)  The 2007 recall was caused by the use of

wheat gluten.

Meal is meat after the water has been cooked away.  Foods that say Chicken or Lamb, Beef etc without meal have been weighed before the water being removed given the appearance of more meat which in fact is incorrect.

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